Thursday, January 4, 2024

Ramb's Intention To Do Good 1993 by Rebekah Palmer

 We're back, finally!! The next prompt is to write a story where a good person does something bad or villainous. It has a lot of possibilities, and yields some interesting results. Here is our first story, by Rebekah Palmer!! Enjoy, and please comment. :)

Ramb's Intention To Do Good 1993 by Rebekah Palmer

Trigger Warning: Gendered name calling/teasing

Taylor's announcement that his dad identified the family next door as "crotch-lickers" had yielded no further intelligence to the group other than disappointment. Except for Ramb, who felt a new sense of hope existing in her world that a family could consist of two women with children.

One day, she woke up certain of a happy day playing at Geoff and Micah's house. They lived exactly behind the house of the family they all saw the other day.

Ramb hopped on her bicycle and started off towards the tiny cul-de-sac to cross over to Geoff and Micah's place. And then to behold such a funny sight, in her mind, as she thought she saw Randy perched atop a girl's bicycle; it was pink like his bike helmet!

She didn't see Kevin and the other boy at first so she gallantly cried out in a teasing manner, "Randy is riding a girl's bike!" Just like the boys teased her if she had worn and rode such frilly things.

She stopped short as she realized it wasn't Randy on the girl's bike at all but an actual girl. A new neighborhood girl--and that's when she realized her mistake as the boy with Kevin yelled at her back "Oh yeah, well, you're ugly!" just as she sped off to Geoff and Micah's.

Oh, how her cheeks were on fire! She did not enjoy her day playing with her friends. And supper was bland too. What was she thinking to make fun of someone for what bicycle they were using and helmet they were wearing? Who cares if it had been Randy....but it wasn't, and she cared that she embarrassed herself by calling this new girl a boy.

The next day came a knock at her door and she opened it to find Joey Sam wanting to introduce her to a new friend who moved in down the street. It was the girl. The girl she had teased yesterday.

Maybe things could be made right if she let them in and they played a little bit together. "This is Hazel," Joey Sam said. "Can we play?"

"Yes," Ramb replied. "Do you like Barbies? Or we can be witches with spell books? Or ride our bikes....or dig in the sand box out back...."

"Witches with spell books!" Hazel declared. Their eyes met and smiles were shared all around. Joey Sam led the way down to the basement in Ramb's home where the old family Bibles were kept that made excellent witch's tomes for finding lists of ancient recipes, particularly in the book of Leviticus. Turtledoves and parts of oil and grain were always in the potion mix.

The Price of Magic by Amanda Leigh

WE'RE BACK!!  AGAIN.  Yes, we have taken long breaks. We have had our ups and downs. But we keep coming back. And that is what's imp...